Professional Development Centered on Student and Teacher Success
PLTW Launch Professional Development is designed to create dynamic learning experiences for teachers through robust and flexible instructional support and ongoing professional community. To begin the process of teacher training with PLTW, register now.
PLTW Launch Lead Teachers
PLTW Launch Lead Teachers (at least one per program) are identified at each school site to act as the point persons to PLTW and to lead implementation and feedback at the school site. They attend PLTW Launch Lead Teacher Training at an affiliated PLTW training site. Lead Teachers conduct on-site Building-Level Readiness Training for teachers at their site who will implement PLTW Launch modules. Additionally, Lead Teachers provide guidance on implementation and inventory management for PLTW Launch classroom teachers.
- Description of the Role of the PLTW Launch Lead Teacher
- Description of PLTW Launch Classroom Teacher
Robust and Flexible Learning
PLTW Launch teachers participate in three phases of professional development, which provides learning opportunities that emphasize proper preparation, in-depth training, and continuing education. The three phases of teacher training are Readiness Training, Core Training, and Ongoing Training.
Building-Level Readiness Training focuses on building awareness and confidence related to K-5 STEM education; activity-, project-, and problem-based learning; and the roles of the teacher and student as they relate to instruction. Readiness Training is a collaborative, in-person training experience offered at the teacher’s local school and facilitated by a PLTW Lead Teacher from the local school.
Core Training is specific to each PLTW Launch module, and successful completion is required before teachers get access to classroom instructional resources. The myPLTW Learning Management System (LMS) is used to deliver module-specific PLTW Launch Core Training, which consists of self-paced e-Learning resources. During training, teachers work through activity-specific overviews, instructional best practices, and opportunities to build understanding of both content and instruction. After successfully completing Core Training, teachers receive access to the National PLTW Launch Professional Learning Community (PLC), module-specific student and classroom instructional resources, and Ongoing Training resources through the myPLTW LMS.
Ongoing Training consists of: 1) self-paced e-Learning resources, 2) face-to-face state, regional, and national conferences, and 3) our Professional Learning Communities. Ongoing Training contains resources that encourage teachers to move beyond baseline knowledge and skills through a library of lynda.com videos and courses to deepen their understanding of improved strategies for teaching within STEM education.
Professional Learning Communities
National Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), available through the myPLTW LMS, enable PLTW teachers to connect and share experiences and expertise with professionals from across the nation teaching the same courses. By sharing practices with colleagues around the country, PLTW teachers benefit from collective learning and application of knowledge and skills.