PLTW Gateway – Professional Development

Professional Development Centered on Student and Teacher Success

PLTW Gateway Professional Development is designed to create dynamic learning experiences for teachers through robust and flexible instructional support and ongoing professional community. To begin the process of teacher training with PLTW, register now.

Robust and Flexible 365 Learning

To support and strengthen instructional practices and content knowledge related to each Gateway unit, Gateway teachers participate in a three-phase professional development model. The model provides teachers with learning opportunities that emphasize proper preparation, in-depth training, and continuing education. The three phases of the model are Readiness Training, Core Training, and Ongoing Training.

Readiness Training focuses on preparation and awareness to ensure that teachers have basic technical and content knowledge prior to participating in pedagogy, skill, and knowledge enhancement training experiences. We use the PLTW Learning Management System (LMS) to deliver Readiness Training, which consists of self-paced e-Learning resources. Successful completion of Readiness Training is required before teachers attend Core Training.

Core Training focuses on building awareness and confidence related to STEM education; activity-, project-, and problem-based learning; the roles of the teacher and student as they relate to instruction; and unit-specific STEM content. Core Training is a collaborative, in-person training experience offered at PLTW Affiliate Universities across the nation and facilitated by PLTW Master Teachers. After successful completion of Core Training, teachers receive access to the National Gateway Professional Learning Community (PLC), unit-specific student and classroom instructional resources, and Ongoing Training resources

Ongoing Training the third phase, consists of self-paced and live online e-Learning resources that provide enhancement opportunities and ongoing learning for educators. Ongoing Training encourages teachers to move beyond baseline knowledge and skills related to both content and pedagogy and deepen their understanding. Teachers also have access to training resources related to unit updates and new releases.

Professional Learning Communities

Through the National Gateway Professional Learning Community (PLC), Gateway teachers can connect with other professionals from across the nation and share experiences and expertise. This PLC allows teachers to build a supportive network that can positively impact both instructional practice and student learning. By sharing practices with colleagues around the country, Gateway teachers benefit from collective learning and application of knowledge and skills.